What We Have Here Is A Failure to Communicate

           Since he left, I've had a lot of time to think. Actually, think is all I pretty much do. I went to my first initial counseling session, kind of like a prelim kind of deal. There was a quick overview of getting to know yous and services I will be provided with, then I had to speed through 21 years of my life and the last two weeks. Since he's left, I've tried to respect his space and while hoping that we could reconnect, we've just found ourselves arguing. My emotions are raw and I'm hanging on by threads. I'm trying to be angry because maybe I wouldn't hurt so much if I could just get really angry! I mean, it's working pretty well for him. Everything seems to disgust him about me. The more days that pass that I don't have a job (I've had interviews though) and the more time that we're not communicating, the worse it gets. Perhaps I just need to face the fact that maybe there is nothing to save. What does that say about me though? 

       I never wanted this, I never wanted him to feel the way that he does. One thing my counselor said is that I need to quit blaming myself. I need to stop putting all the responsibility for his happiness on myself. Marriage is a series of highs and lows and many times there are a lot of lows. It's when there are no highs and a breakdown of communication that a relationship fails; when love goes out the door and says "hello" to resentment. One day I hope he sees from the perspective that I am taking of our 21-year long relationship and sees that he had a part in the breakdown of our communication as well. At some point, whether we end up reconciling in some way or he moves on with someone else, he will need to communicate. Back before we even got serious, back in 1993, we talked all the time. Two weeks ago, we laid in bed and laughed at silly things, just like we had always done. I'm still wondering, what happened to change things, to create this feeling of angst, hate, festering regrets, and breakdown of communication. I thought we were like a lot of married couples. Apparently, we weren't. 

"Goodbye my lover
Goodbye my friend
You have been the one
You have been the one for me"


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